19 Choice Board Templates for 2019!

Are you a fan of choice boards? I love using choice boards with students because they love them but I’ve recently realized that adults love them too! Who doesn’t love the opportunity to choose tasks to help them learn or show what they know?? Choice boards give us options but they also give us multiple ways of thinking about the same content and/or skills. Teachers often ask me for copies of the choice boards I have used with students and adults.

Like this one, that I use to help my Art Foundation students practice responding to works of art:

Choice Board Examples (2).png

And this one that I created for teachers to try some alternative PD throughout the school year:

Choice Board Examples (3)

For those of you who might want to try choice boards with your students or colleagues, I’ve created 19 Choice Board Templates that you can customize with your own choices and challenges. I’ve also added the templates to my public Shared Resources Folder which is an ever-growing set of resources organized by content area…you can find these and lots of other templates in the Cross-Curricular Resources folder. (All resources that have been shared by others and added to the folders are so labeled.)


Speaking of my Shared Resources Folder, you are not only welcome to create a copy of anything you find there, you are free to add your own resources to grow the community. If you want to add something to the folder feel free to do so here.

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